Thursday, May 30, 2013

Encounter Two

In my last post I presented two wonderful bronze figurines that I saw in the subway.  These charming creatures brightened up my day.  They surprised and delighted me on a stressful day.  However, when I was working on the image in post production, I noticed a small pair of feet at the top of my photograph.  I was astounded!  Where there more sculptures in that particular subway station?  What was connected to those feet in small bronze rounded pointy little shoes?  Recalling the rest of the figure escaped me.  I did have the feet but not the body or head.
I returned to the subway station in NYC to get a shot of the whole figure whose shoes had intrigued me.  The station was quite out of the way and I wondered why I felt compelled to seek out the rest of the statue as I walked along the crowded streets.  Yet, when I got to the subway, I was rewarded by the sight of a humorous figurine so different from the other two small sculptures.  I encountered a sight that made me smile.   It was so unexpected!  I think that photography is a way of discovering the world for me and for everyone else who enjoys in visual

Three Bronze Figures: NYC Subway

Mr. Money Bags: NYC Subway

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