Sunday, March 10, 2013

Fond Memories: Vienna

During the recent NYC days of rain and snow, I remembered my trip to Vienna.  Essentially, the trip remains in my mind a fantasy of marvelous architecture, magnificent art, beauty and wonder.  I went to Vienna in November a few years ago.  The city is a paradise of sights and delights to please the senses, but the weather was cold and damp.  Snow and rain.  But such minor interferences cannot be taken seriously when there is so much to do and to see in the cultural wonderland that is Wien. Snow flakes frosted fancifully wrought arches and ornamented domes.  Rain misted enormous mullioned windows and huge wooden doors.  When my NY weather sometimes chills me to the bone, in my mind I visit Vienna where weather furthered charm.

Rain Misted Terrace: Vienna

Art genre: Sepia architectural photograph

Photography tip: Counterbalance dark horizontals with verticals/ diagonals

Location: Vienna


  1. The lines in your photo walk nicely hand-in-hand, rhythmically. Vienna has a different "kling" than the other European cities, sophisticated, musical. I love to travel always in November or early December, no tourists, you are one of the locals. And the rainy days have such mystic feel. I'm just back from Finland, try that; minus 17C (= 1.5 F) on its best! Worst?

  2. Thank you! I love Vienna. It is an enchanted city! I am thinking of going to Germany in November for the same reasons you mentioned. I traveled to Vienna in November a couple of years ago. It was great because the upcoming holiday season gave everyone a sense of good cheer. But the cold weather (17C!!) is a little daunting. It was snowing in Vienna when I was there: not great for architectural photography....buildings with white dots!! Finland must be gorgeous.....always wanted to go there!
